I had an appointment with my neurologist today. This was a follow-up appointment from the minor stroke that I had back on February 22, 2005. I recovered from that stroke in about a week, with no left over problems. However, I did have to start taking a blood thinner and a statin to help lower my cholesterol. The doctor did not have a reason for my stroke, but they figured that they might as well give me those medications just to be safe. The neurologist told me today that I am doing well and that she didn't see any more problems. I am now supposed to take some vitamin supplements to help lower my homocystine levels.
I am doing well today, I think. I still feel pretty weak and am not eating as much as I should, which is probably not great. Back in May, I weighed 165 pounds. Now, I am doing well to make the scale hit 150. Now, not all of that is the 15-pound kidney, I also lost a lot of weight due to not eating. Hopefully, that won't be a problem and I'll be able to gain back some of that weight.
Thanks for reading and for your continued prayers.
460) Annual Update
5 years ago
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