Thursday, March 08, 2007

Lab Update from Monday and Thursday

Greetings blog readers! With today comes another chapter in the ever-so-interesting world of Nathan's Lab Reports (patent pending). If you remember our last conversation, I had a slightly higher creatinine than I had in the past, so the doctor had my blood drawn both Monday and Thursday to see if there was a problem.

The blood draw last Thursday, this Monday, and this Thursday all showed that my creatinine was up to 1.1. The PA that I saw this week said that I should not worry. I have gained about ten pounds since I was in the hospital to get my transplant, and higher mass can cause higher creatinine. She said not to worry about it, and that it was not a problem.

She also congratulated me again on my high number from the Glofil test. She said I should be very pleased with my new kidney and at how well it was functioning. She also said that she didn't see any other problems with my other labs.

I am going to try and list the full lab results for Monday and Thursday below. It might not fit on everyone's screen, and I apologize. Just change your resolution to 1024x768 or higher today to view the report, and then you can switch back to whatever you were using before.


PROCEDURE 03/05/07 03/08/07 UNIT REF RANGE
[Profile: CMP]
Creatinine 1.1 H 1.1 H mg/dL 0.4 - 1.0
Blood Urea Nitrogen 11.0 12.0 mg/dL 8.0 - 20.0
Sodium 139.8 140.0 mmol/L 136.0 - 144.0
Potassium 3.5 L 3.3 L mmol/L 3.6 - 5.1
Chloride 108.0 107.2 mmol/L 101.0 - 111.0
CO2 25.7 26.1 mmol/L 22.0 - 32.0
Glucose 115 105 mg/dL 74 - 118
Calcium 9.5 9.6 mg/dL 8.9 - 10.3
AST - 24.0 U/L 15.0 - 41.0
ALT - 48.0 U/L 17.0 - 63.0
Alkaline Phos - 68.0 U/L 38.0 - 126.0
Albumin 4.4 4.6 g/dL 3.5 - 4.8
Total Protein - 6.5 g/dL 6.1 - 7.9
Total Bilirubin - 0.7 mg/dL 0.4 - 2.0
[Profile: GCT]
GCT - 59.0 H U/L 7.0 - 50.0
[Profile: MAGNESIUM]
Magnesium -
1.7 L mg/dL 1.8 - 2.5
Phosphorus 3.1 3.5 mg/dL 2.4 - 4.7
[Profile: CBC]
WBC 8.4 7.9 K/uL 4.0 - 11.0
RBC 4.46 4.51 M/uL 3.8 - 6.2
Hgb 15 15.1 g/dL 11.5 - 18.0
Hct 42.7 43.2 % 35.0 - 54.0
MCV 95.8 96.0 fl 80.0 - 100.0
MCH 33.7 33.5 pg 27.0 - 34.0
MCHC 35.2 34.9 g/dL 31.0 - 36.0
RDW 12.4 12.5 % 11.5 - 14.5
Platelets 223 214 K/uL 150 - 450
# Neut 5.33 4.77
1.40 - 6.50
% Neut 63.60 60.10 % 42.20 - 75.20
# Lymph 2.59 2.38
1.20 - 3.40
% Lymph 30.90 29.90 % 20.50 - 51.50
# Mono 0.32 0.53 H
0.10 - 0.50
% Mono 3.84 6.65 % 1.70 - 9.30
# Eos 0.04 0.08
0.00 – 0.70
% Eos 0.51 0.95 % 0.00 – 7.00
# Baso 0.1 0.19
-0.00 – 0.20
% Baso 1.24 2.41 % 0-0.00 – 2.50

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